Discover resilience in the face of life's chaos with this book, your essential guide to finding calm and inner strength. A supportive guide filled with practical tips, advice and coping strategies to help you find calm in a hectic world
Do you ever feel as though the world's conspiring against you? Like when it starts raining the moment you step outside, or when you narrowly miss out on
that promotion at work - or when you check the news to discover everything has gone to sh*t. At times like these you need reassurance of your own strength and resilience, as well as a gentle reminder that there's still plenty to be positive about.
Packed with helpful tips and kind words, this book will be your go-to guide to finding calm in an increasingly chaotic world. This valuable guide offers coping strategies for a range of anxieties big and small, from work-related worries to existential dread and concerns about the future of the planet.