This book first discusses how depression and anxiety occur more frequently in people living with HIV/AIDS than in the general population. Anxiety and depression increase the morbidity of HIV by causing poor adherence to treatment, increased risk for suicide, greater chance for recurrence and various other significant mechanisms. The authors present an analysis of sociological research showing the prevalence of stigma and discrimination against patients with HIV infection at the dental office. Fear of stigma is a key factor in reducing the willingness to disclose HIV status. The recommended treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus infection with HIV coinfection is reviewed, focusing on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacology of drug-drug interactions between antiretroviral therapy and direct-acting antivirals. Insight on the long road towards the eradication of HIV/AIDS is discussed in an effort to achieve sustainable development goals and targets by 2030. Studies conducted in relation to biomedical, structural, behavioural and technological interventions are cited to substantiate this discussions. The closing chapter outlines updated recommendations guiding healthcare professionals to employ treatment as prevention. A discussion of the public health measures necessary to promote the success of treatment as prevention is also included.