Historic Architecture in Northwest Philadelphia is a colorful and comprehensive look at the rich architectural history of the Wissahickon Valley, and the people who made it possible with a locally sourced building stone, the Wissahickon schist. The simple stone structures of Germantown's origins as a village of German immigrants laid the groundwork for the more elaborate buildings for Philadelphia's rising mercantile class that followed. From the colonial period to the 1930s, this architectural tour explores 450 structures, many still standing and well preserved, in the area from Wayne Junction in Germantown to Northwest Avenue in Chestnut Hill. A wide variety of architectural styles and influences are captured in nearly 750 modern day and archival images, including the Georgian, Colonial, and Federal styles of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; the Revival of those styles and others; Italianate; Second Empire; and Romantic Eclecticism. This extensive architectural review is ideal for architects, historians, and residents of Northwest Philadelphia.