Explore the interwoven lives of King Herod and Mary, Mother of Jesus as New York Times bestselling author Kathie Lee Gifford brings these biblical figures into a new light. Follow Herod from boyhood as he strives and fails throughout his life to become a beloved king. Walk in the steps of Mary of Nazareth as she navigates the repercussions of Herod’s deadly obsession.
Delve into the complex history of Herod the Great—his rise to power and ultimate fall in pursuit to be the King of the Jews. Under a flourishing yet tumultuous background of Jerusalem, consider Mary of Nazareth''s place under Herod''s rule and the promise of a Messiah to free her people. Kathie Lee Gifford with Bryan M. Litfin, Ph.D. deftly weave a truthful historical narrative full of accurate details and sweeping prose that ushers in the true King and glorifies God''s powerful plan to bring a savior into the world through unlikely means. A coda between the authors, full of