This sensitively written and beautifully illustrated storybook and guide provides children (aged 7+) and the adults who support them with the resources to understand Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and demonstrate how speaking with children can foster healing and recovery from trauma.
Maya is a young girl who lives with her mum, her mum's boyfriend and her pet hamster, Harry. She loves learning about space, playing football and drawing, but often feels very anxious at home and school due to the ACEs she has been exposed to. In the story, Maya is able to overcome her ACEs with the help of a variety of protective factors in her life and with three fantastical adventures she embarks upon with Harry, that give her additional tools and keepers to use in her everyday life.
The set provides children with the opportunity to comprehend and safely express their feelings, and the adults who read alongside them with the guidance to become a sensitive, active li