From one of the most respected cardiovascular research andeducation facilities in the world comes a personalized wellnessprogram for your most important asset. Take the Institute's simpletest to evaluate your heart's health and identify your individualrisk factors. Then, use the easy-to-follow, step-by-step programsto improve your overall health. Specifics include:
* Exercise What kind you should do, and how much is enough(Chapters 2 and 15)
* Weight Control What body type are you? A practical approach toattaining a healthy weight (Chapters 4 and 16)
* Managing Stress How to measure and reduce it (Chapters 7 and 18)
* Controlling High Blood Pressure How to detect it, and what to doabout it (Chapter 8)
* Lowering Your Cholesterol Count How much is too much, and how youcan control it (Chapter 9)
* Nutrition and Recipes The latest guide-lines and 31 delicious,heart-smart recipes (Chapters 3 and 21)
* The Differences Between Men's and Women's Heart Health Pregnancyand childbearing, hormones, menopause, and their relationship toheart disease (Chapter 11)
* Diagnosis and Treatment How to recognize the symptoms of heartdisease, what to ask your doctor, and the facts about heart surgeryand drug therapy (Chapters 23, 26, and 35)