Most of us would agree that we have little understanding of how to naturally operate and maintain the marvel of nature that is the human body. The fundamental physical and physiological actions of the body in everyday life such as: breathing, bending, stretching, sitting, standing, walking and running are not taught - they just happen naturally. Too often, however, the operational efficiency of these functions drifts away from nature''s guidance which, in turn, damages our health in the process. All our physical actions involve the subtle interaction of posture and body-mechanics, even when the body is at rest and, at the very heart of it all, is the awesome force of breathing. Sifu (Master Teacher) Peter Newton, places breathing at the heart of this book. In order to maximise the benefits to the mind, body and spirit that an efficiently working respiratory function offers, he concentrates purely on how, if we assimilate the powerful healing postures, body-mechanics and breathing metho