Our bodies need the right amount of blood flow to keep our hearts pumping, our legs moving and our brains functioning. Good circulation is clearly critical to our existence. Over our lifetime, our veins absorb a lot of wear and tear - excess weight, sedentary lifestyles, dietary indiscretions, pregnancy and other factors can cause veins to swell and bulge, break and leak, while contributing to spider and varicose veins, haemorrhoids, leg ulcers and many other vein problems. By middle age, half of us will manifest some type of vein condition. Standard treatments include lubricants, warm baths and other less effective procedures or laser surgery and sclerotherapy injections, which, although highly successful, come with side effects. Yet a safe, natural and effective solution is right under our nose. In the rind of the trillions of sweet oranges we consume each year, there is a little known vein-protecting, anti-inflammatory bioflavonoid called diosmin. Backed by clinical research, this citrus bioflavonoid has been recommended by European doctors to treat circulatory and vascular conditions for more than thirty years! HEALTH BENEFITS DERIVED FROM SWEET ORANGES discusses the eight most common vein complications: varicose veins, haemorrhoids, diabetes, leg ulcers, ankle swelling, capillary fragility, leg cramps and phlebitis (inflammation of a vein) For each condition the reader will learn what causes it, what damages it inflicts on the vein, its physical signs and symptoms and nitty-gritty details from clinical studies proving the diosmin promotes strong veins, healthy legs and sound circulation.