Explores the concept that art promotes healing through a survey of work created for the Robert Bosch Hospital in Germany. Includes 48 commissioned artworks by significant contemporary artists, including some that were created with input from patients. Offers specialist contributions from architecture and art history, healthcare design, art and corporate philosophy. Art can contribute to a healing environment, supporting the work of hospitals and enriching the lives of both patients and staff members. In this book, Isabel Gruener, the art officer at the Robert Bosch Hospital in Stuttgart, explores how the hospital's commissioned art program supports the complex process of healing. Whether it is seriously ill patients in the intensive care unit, visitors in the public corridors, or employees in sterile functional areas: each is affected in their own way by the total of 48 artistic interventions. The narrative describing these art projects, which were created between 1998-2018, is supplemented by specialist contributions from the fields of art, design, and corporate philosophy. They explore an interdisciplinary approach and offer a view towards the future potential of healing art in healing environments. Text in English and German.