This Handbook strives to enhance knowledge and application within sustainability in management education (SiME) across different academic programs, geographic regions and personal/professional contexts. Cross-disciplinary and boundary spanning, this book focuses on specific themes and is therefore split into four distinct sections: one on theory and practice, one on transformational interventions in business programs, one on the role of external agents and the last on innovative approaches in SiME.
The co-editors expertly provide a roadmap for sustainability in management education while discussing key implications, applications and utilities that explore motivations and project possible outcomes for advances and integration of SiME. In addition to identifying new discursive strategies in SiME research, the co-editors provide a critical narrative and discussion on newly identified commonalities and connections within the Handbook's chapters. This content assessment highlights prevalent intersections for advancing, challenging, and questioning how to implement SiME in various programs.
Management scholars, researchers, educators and practitioners as well as current, emerging and future leaders in various academic and private sectors will find this Handbook invaluable. It will serve as a key reference for more advanced studies in this rapidly developing field.
Contributors include: F. Ahen, M. Albert, J.A. Arevalo, K.R. Bandyopadhyay, L. Barin Cruz, R.G. Bell, S. Benn, M. Bidart Carneiro de Novaes, N. Boyd, J. Bressler, M. Brueckner, J. Brunstein, T. Bunn Hiller, N. Christopher, M. Edwards, Q. Evansluong, D. Fodness, C.J. Fox, A. Girardi, T.A. Hart, J.R. Hendry, S. Hüsig, P.R. Jacobi, Y. Jakobcic, S. Klomp, J. Korstad, L. Krzykowski, R. Mahajan, S.L. Manring, E. Martin, E. Meliou, P. Miesing, R. Miller, S.F. Mitchell, E.E. Nill, F.S. Nobre, E.E. Nordman, M. Paull, M. Pozzebon, M. Ramirez Pasillas, E. Raufflet, E. Rich, A.J. Richardson, I. Rimanoczy, M.F. Sambiase, P. Schmitt Figueiró, S. Schutel, C.A. Simmers, S. Soderstrom, R. Spencer, R. Sroufe, M. Starik, A. Sulkowski, D. Vazquez-Brust, A. Vidal da Silva Martins, J.L. Whittington, J. Williams, L.T. Wong, N. Yakovleva