Written and peer-reviewed by experts in practice and academia, the 19th edition of the Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care is an authoritative resource for students and for health care providers who counsel and care for patients undertaking self-treatment—nonprescription drugs, nutritional supplements, medical foods, nondrug and preventive measures, and complementary therapies. Its goal is to develop the knowledge and problem-solving skills needed to assess a patient’s health status and current practice of self-treatment, to determine whether self-care is necessary or appropriate, and, if appropriate, to recommend safe and effective self-care measures. KEY FEATURES: • Updated information and references throughout • One new chapter (“Prebiotics and Probiotics”), a rewritten chapter (“Pharmacist’s Patient Care Process in Self-care”) to make the content more practical in the self-care/nonprescription product environment, and many new and updated drug product and drug interaction tables throughout • Quick-reference tools such as treatment algorithms (including exclusions for self-treatment), drug product tables, patient education sidebars, and product administration illustrations • Two new comprehensive patient cases for each disorder-related chapter • Concise Key Points section at the end of each disorder-related chapter, summarizing critical information • Color plate section with more than 30 illustrations