In the ten years since the publication of the best-selling first edition, more than 1,000 graph theory papers have been published each year. Reflecting these advances, Handbook of Graph Theory, Second Edition provides comprehensive coverage of the main topics in pure and applied graph theory. This second edition—over 400 pages longer than its predecessor—incorporates 14 new sections.
Each chapter includes lists of essential definitions and facts, accompanied by examples, tables, remarks, and, in some cases, conjectures and open problems. A bibliography at the end of each chapter provides an extensive guide to the research literature and pointers to monographs. In addition, a glossary is included in each chapter as well as at the end of each section. This edition also contains notes regarding terminology and notation.
With 34 new contributors, this handbook is the most comprehensive single-source guide to graph theory. It emphasizes quick accessibility to topics for non-experts and enables easy cross-referencing among chapters.