Grupo de Arte Callejero: Thought, Practices, and Actions tells the profound story of social militancy, popular rebellion, and art in the tumultuous decades of Argentina’s recent past—and foretells the subversive arts of rebellion for an unwritten future. For the artist collective Grupo de Arte Callejero (Group of Street Artists), there is no separation between social art and social movements. Militancy and art unite in the anonymous, collective, everyday spaces and rhythms of life.
For over two decades, Grupo de Arte Callejero has participated in the wave of denunciations of genocide and disappearances during the military junta, the social rebellions of the 2001 financial crisis, neoliberal austerity plans, teachers’ strikes, and Indigenous protests. A critical reflection and collection of their work, Thought, Practices and Actions offers profound insight into what was done and what remains to be done in the social fields of art and revoluti