geog.123 fifth edition is the perfect course to inspire and motivate your geography students. In response to teacher feedback, the resources have been thoroughly revised and updated to provide even stronger preparation for further study. Through new chapters and new spreads, more subject terminology, greater use of GCSE-style command language, and a whole page exam-style questions at the end of every chapter, students are able to build solid foundations in knowledge and skills, giving them the confidence to progress. The course retains the engaging approach that students love, with a unique combination of rigour and accessibility that has made it the number one course for ages 11-14. geog.123 provides a three-year curriculum aligned to the KS3 Programme of Study, which ensures that students know more and remember more, whilst also motivating them and helping them to gain confidence. Kerboodle provides accompanying online support, including digital versions of the Student Book and Teacher Handbook, a comprehensive package of assessment materials ranging from interactive auto-marked quizzes to exam-style assessment papers, and materials to support learning-at-home. The Teacher's Handbooks provide help with planning and vital support for non-specialists teaching at Key Stage 3. The course also includes fill-in workbooks, suitable for use in class or at home.