This book delves deep into the hidden population of former gang members who share their positive and negative experiences of being gang members. Their stories of violence, hopelessness, despair, and loneliness also offer a seed of hope – they contain the building blocks for prevention. By understanding why they each turned to gangs, how they turned to gangs, and what went wrong for some along their pathways during childhood, as well as how and why they chose to leave the gang lifestyle, we can begin to put the pieces together and understand tools for gang prevention.
Schools are in the unique position to become an oasis or a safe haven for a child in a world that does not otherwise feel safe to them. School staff members can step in and become consistent people in a child’s life. They can help to identify at-risk youth and intervene, facilitating a change in path away from gang membership. This book discusses how schools and staff can be instrumental in gang prevention and outlines warning signs and risk and protective factors for gang involvement. It also talks about components of gang prevention programs in schools. Additional topics explored include:
- Theories of Gang Involvement
- Lack of Family Consistency: Relating Attachment Theory with Gang Involvement
- “Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Unity:" Gangs as Replacement Family
- "No Other Option:" The Role of Social Environment
- "Death, Jail, or a Turnaround:" Making the Decision to Disengage
- A Piece About Trauma-Informed Practice
Authored by a school social worker who has an insider's perspective on working in a school, Gang Prevention in Schools is a useful resource that gives a humanistic view of former gang members. The book will engage readers in the fields of psychology, social work, education and educational administration, and criminal justice, as well as have potential appeal to a lay audience due to the richness of the stories and interviews.