Sometime the distance between suicidal despair and freedom seems like an impossible dream.
From early in her teens, Leah Rebecca struggled with clinical depression. This mental anguish dragged her through more than two decades of crippling despair. Her life was filled with reckless and destructive choices. If only we knew the distant consequences that cannot possibly be anticipated at the moment of our choices.
Inspired by a true story, Gabriel and Esther carries you on a journey of heart and spirit. Diary entries, letters, and Leah's present day narrative immerse you in this secret story, told from pages hidden from view for over five decades.
As Leah Rebecca's depressions peaked, GOD stepped in so tangibly that Leah abandons her suicide plan and awaits the healing GOD has promised will be hers.
This woman, plagued by fear, hopelessness, and longing for the release of death, is slowly transformed into a woman of creativity, purpose, and freedom. Healing and redemption prove triumphant.