Contents Introduction vi PART ONE GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Chapter 1 Background Information 3 Geography 3, Climate 3, Natural history 4, History 4, Government and politics 14, Economy 15, People 15, Language 16, Religion 17, Culture 18 Chapter 2 Practical Information 27 When to visit 27, Highlights 27, Suggested itineraries 28, Tourist information 29, Tour operators 29, Red tape 30, Embassies and consulates 31, Getting there and away 31, Health 34, Safety 34, Focus on specific groups 35, What to take 38, Money 38, Budgeting 38, Getting around 39, Accommodation 42, Eating and drinking 44, Public holidays 52, Festivals 52, Shopping 57, Sport 59, Media and communications 61, Business 63, Buying property 63, Cultural etiquette 63, Travelling positively 64PART TWO THE GUIDE 65 Chapter 3 Brussels 67 History 67, Getting there and away 68, Orientation 69, Getting around 70, Tourist information 73, Where to stay 73, Where to eat 84, Entertainment and nightlife 87, Shopping 91, Other practicalities