Equities are generally perceived to be more volatile than fixed income investments. Many risk averse investors are unable to digest the daily ups and downs in the prices of equities. They also feel that, from a historical perspective, equities are overpriced and thus are not comfortable taking equity positions at current valuations.On the other hand, global interest rates have been on a decline from the 1970s when inflation was finally under control by central banks. This decline in interest rates means that investors have to live with lower nominal returns. Since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, many investors have been feeling left out of the equity markets.Fixed Coupon Notes (FCNs) are quasi-equity and quasi-bond structures which aim to provide higher returns than bonds with lower risks compared to equities. Moreover, they also provide an avenue to enter equities at reasonable prices and acceptable valuations. Being the most popular structured product in Asia, there is sufficient institutional experience about the product. This book aims to provide the basics as well as the nuances of investing in FCNs so that an investor not only understands the concepts behind the product, but is also able to avoid common pitfalls.