Children and teenagers are different. Some have more differences than others and may have difficulties with things such as participating in group activities, or really understanding how other people see things and how they think. Some of these young people want to do things in their own way, and some of them have a particular interest which fills their lives.
Many of those who are special in this way have Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism. Gunilla, who is now an adult, received her diagnosis several years ago. She has written this book for all children and teenagers who have similar difficulties. It's an important book - in fact, it's the only one of its kind.
Gunilla's book should be read by all young people who receive a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome, PDD or high functioning autism. It can also be read by their peers in school, siblings, and other children with whom they have contact. Adults may read it too, the better to understand the person with autism or Asperger Syndrome.'
- Christopher Gillberg, MD and Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry