This title comes with 18 projects and more than 250 pictures. It is an engaging and accessible introduction to these amazing plants - discover the life-cycle of trees, their different parts and what they do, and learn when the first trees appeared on Earth. 18 easy-to-do projects bring the subject to life - make a collection of bark rubbings and pressed leaves, germinate an acorn, and demonstrate how plants search out sources of light. More than 250 illustrations include step-by-step photographs and explanatory diagrams. It is ideal for 8- to 12-year-olds for home or school use. Trees grow all over the world, from the frozen Arctic to the steamy jungles around the Equator. They provide us with food to eat, clean air to breathe and many useful materials that we use every day. Thousands of creatures live among their branches or burrow around their roots. This fascinating fact file and learn-it-yourself book reveals the secret life of trees - how leaves make food by photosynthesis, what goes on inside the trunk, how to work out a tree's age, and much more. Hands-on projects and experiments show budding scientists how to dissect fruits and seeds, hunt for woodland minibeasts, calculate a tree's height, and how water travels up a plant's stem. Detailed photographs and diagrams accompany all of the projects and illustrate the different types of tree, the various kinds of forest habitat, and what prehistoric trees looked like, bringing young readers closer to nature.