The enchanting city of Luneburg owes its wealth and its medieval face, which is characterized by brick Gothic, to the salt. In the young student town, which has proudly held the title of Hanseatic town again since 2007, you can walk everywhere in the footsteps of the "white gold" that was boiled here for 1,000 years. The Luneburg city map is characterized by its clear and modern map image. Despite the many details, you can find your way around easily and never lose your bearings. The map is printed on durable stone paper, making it waterproof and tear-resistant! The historical and tourist sights of Luneburg are described on the back. City map of Luneburg 1:14,000 Downtown map 1:10,000 Transit plan 1:200,000 Sightseeing features street directory Waterproof and tear resistant 60 x 90 cm