The dramatic, globe-spanning and meticulously-researched story of two scientific rivals and their race to survey all life.
In the 18th century, two men dedicated their lives to the same daunting task: identifying and describing all life on Earth. Their approaches could not have been more different. Carl Linnaeus, a pious Swedish doctor with a huckster''s flair, believed that life belonged in tidy, static categories. Georges-Louis de Buffon, an aristocratic polymath and keeper of France''s royal garden, viewed life as a dynamic, ever-changing swirl of complexities. Both began believing their work to be difficult, but not impossible--how could the planet possibly hold more than a few thousand species? Stunned by life''s diversity, both fell far short of their goal. But in the process they articulated starkly divergent views on nature, on humanity''s role in shaping the fate of our planet, and on humanity itself.
The rivalry between these two unique, driven ind