Like all volumes of the European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 20 contains articles written by leading researchers, spanning the field of social psychology. This volume includes several articles that deal with theoretical and empirical research programs on the impact of implicit goals on behaviour. Thus, Veltkamp, Aarts and Custers present a framework for understanding the implicit motivation of behaviour resulting from deprivation and positive affect. Moskowitz and Ignarri review mechanisms of implicit control of stereotypes as an effective way to prevent the influence of stereotypes on judgment. Next, Payne and Bishara discuss the use of formal dual process models in social psychology, with a focus on the Process Dissociation model and related models. These authors use studies of social and affective influences on memory, judgment and decision making to illustrate the utility of these models. Two articles review theories of self-regulation from different perspectives. Fishbach, Zhang and Koo present a research program on the dynamism of self-regulation in a multiple goal context. Alicke and Sedikides review ways in which people pursue self-enhancement and self-protection, and discuss the importance of these two constructs in maintaining psychological and physical well-being. In other contributions, Ruys and Stapel present a new theory of the processing of emotional information; Kruglanski, Dechesne, Orehek and Piero review and conceptually integrate the three separate research programs informed by Kruglanski’s theory of lay epistemics; and Brinol and Petty discuss their theory of self-validation and argue that self-validation processes provide a mechanism for understanding and integrating source effects in attitude changes. Finally,
Harris and Fiske show how social neuroscience research can elucidate the phenomenon of dehumanization , contrasting studies on affective and cognitive factors in fully humanized and dehumanized perception, and proposing neural systems potentially involved.
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an e-first journal published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. ERSP is an international journal which aims to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work, whose origins may be, but need not be, European. The emphasis of these contributions is on substantial individual programmes of research and on critical assessment of major areas of research, as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.