Contents: Humphrey Tonkin, Introduction; Detlev Blanke, The Term "Planned Language"; Pere Juli‡, Linguistic Theory and International Communication; David K. Jordan, Esperanto and Esperantism; Aleksandr Dulichenko, Esperanto: A Unique Model for General Linguistics; Humphrey Tonkin, One Hundred Years of Esperanto: A Survey; John Edwards and Lynn MacPherson, Views of Constructed Languages, With Special Reference to Esperanto; Klaus Schubert, Ausdruckskraft und Regelm‰ssigkeit: Was Esperanto f¸r automatische ‹bersetzung geeignet macht; Probal Dasgupta, Toward a Dialogue Between the Sociolinguistic Sciences and Esperanto Culture; Ralph L. Harry, Development of a Language for International Law: The Experience of Esperanto; Bernard Golden, Conservation of the Heritage of Volap¸k; Victor Sadler, Machine Translation Project Reaches Watershed; Istv·n Ertl and FranÁois Lo Jacomo, Umberto Eco, l'espÈranto et le plurilinguisme de l'avenir. Co-published with the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems.