Early recognition of problems by owners, appropriate first aid, and timely referral by field veterinarians improve the chance of survival for horses requiring emergency management and critical care. With a view toward improving patient outcome, Equine Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is written by a team of enthusiastic equine specialists who explore a host of conditions that the equine veterinarian will encounter. Areas covered include:
- Digestive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, urogenital, and nervous systems
- Neonatal diseases
- Lacerations, wounds, and skin diseases requiring emergency care
- Emergency ophthalmological problems
- Toxicology
- Antimicrobial drugs and nutritional support
- Fluid, inotrope, and vasopressor therapy
- Sedation and analgesia
- Systemic inflammatory response
- The postoperative colic patient
- Critical care of the pregnant mare and neonate
- The recumbent horse
For each disease or condition, the book includes an overview, key points, etiology/pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, and management/treatment. It also provides step-by-step instructions on frequently performed procedures for the emergency/critical care patient. The text features a concise, bullet-point style to facilitate quick assimilation, along with color photos and useful charts and diagrams. Equine veterinarians will find this book an essential addition to their libraries.