Informed by international law, international relations and environment management scholarship, this interdisciplinary analysis of environmental regimes in Asian subregions proposes a new regime for the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau based on China's cooperation with its south Asian neighbors.
After evaluating the nine existing environmental regimes across the subregions of southwest, central, southeast and northeast Asia, Simon Marsden proposes a tenth regime for the cross subregion in south and east Asia known as the Third Pole. The role of China in connection with each of the existing agreements-as lender, dialogue partner or Party-is a key aspect of the analysis, considering it in developmental, legal and political contexts. Conclusions recommend future research to progress efforts in developing such a regime and caution the need for context in any legal transplant.
This book will have a strong appeal for international environmental law and environmental planning and management researchers. Meanwhile those in international relations or international politics will find valuable insights in the book's exploration of relationships between the states of each subregion and China, whilst coverage of the regulation of oil and gas, hydroelectricity and exploitation of other resources will be of great interest to energy law scholars and practitioners.