Intellectual disabilities have long been a concern for both practitioners and academics alike. With the introduction and advocacy of concepts to the public in recent decades, and the normalization and valorization of intellectual disabilities, humanistic concern has become the dominant trend in providing interventions and services for people with these issues. Today, various ideas for societal inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities have been introduced. However, many practitioners and academics have criticized these ideas as idealistic, and in many ways, inapplicable for actual social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The situation is particularly serious regarding those intellectually disabled individuals presenting various forms of self-harm, aggression, disturbing behaviors, and emotional fluctuation (SADE: S =Self harm, A = Aggression, D = Disturbing behaviors, E = Emotional fluctuation). In many instances, social exclusion, labelling, punishments, deprivation of rights, physical restraints, as well as psychiatric medications are commonly used in controlling intellectual disabled clients with SADE. A thorough understanding of intellectually disabled clients has revealed that their self-harm, aggression, disturbing behaviors, and emotional fluctuations (SADE) are closely related to their unfulfilled needs, developmental traumas, abuse, neglect, and abandonment in their lives. These individuals have problems in expressing their views and emotions, as well as having severe attachment needs. Based on the writers' substantial experience, clinical practice, and supervision in working with intellectual disabled clients with SADE, this book is the first to formulate and consolidate the communication, emotionality, intimacy, and trauma based interpretation and intervention for intellectually disabled clients with SADE. This book provides methods for effective, humanistic, normalized, and integrated recovery of these individuals.