One night, the last tree in the forest decides it’s time to uproot and leave. A little boy soon realizes what is happening… All the trees have disappeared and holes can be seen where they used to be. Understanding the consequences this will have for animals, humans, and the environment, he sets off to counteract the damage that has already been done. A beautiful story about the importance, care, and preservation of trees, and the small steps we can all take to care for the planet. From award-winning illustrator Silvia Álvarez. Printed on Stone Paper. —Pero sin árboles estamos perdidos… ¿acaso no estás bien aquí? —preguntó Goran mientras tosía. —Prefiero irme con mis propias raíces antes de que me reduzcan a cenizas o me corten en mil pedacitos —contestó el árbol y, haciendo temblar la tierra, comenzó a desaparecer en aquella asfixiante niebla. Don't miss the booktrailer! Read the first pages: