According to Peter Drucker the most important challenge of management in the 21st century will be to increase knowledge worker productivity substantially. This book presents tried and tested methods, and concrete suggestions to analyse and design effective knowledge work. Each topic is accompanied by a self diagnosis allowing the reader to assess their own situation. The authors include case studies to provide inspiration as to the 'next practices' for shaping the future of knowledge work. Amongst others, the book addresses the following questions: What is knowledge work? What are strategies and methods for increasing productivity, quality, effectiveness and value of knowledge work? Can knowledge workers be managed, and if yes, how? How should ICT support be selected and utilised to best effect? What are adequate methods for measuring performance of knowledge workers? This book bridges the gap between research and practice, presenting the current state of management concepts and research on knowledge work, and providing many best practice examples, and will appeal to management educators, students, trainers, HR professionals, consultants, and knowledge workers themselves.