Visual, step-by-step hands-on tutorials for the most common tasks a user needs to perform. Whether you’re already using Windows 10 or are a Windows newcomer, Easy Windows 10 is the fast and easy way to discover what Microsoft’s latest operating system can do for you. Visual step-by-step procedures for what you want to do in Windows 10 Keyboard shortcuts, mouse and touchpad moves, and touchscreen tricks help you navigate Windows 10 your way Control how Windows 10 starts up and how it looks with new configuration options Protect your valuable photos, music, videos, and other files automatically with File History Master new features like virtual desktops, Cortana voice assist, and more Discover how to install software from the Windows Store and from other sources Use cloud-based storage, email, and messaging features including OneDrive and Skype Discover Windows 10 utilities for video, audio, photos, search, custom characters, and many more