William Edward Burghardt Du Bois' 'reform' writings—with the intention of reforming immoral and unethical behavior—appeared in periodicals and were directed toward or written on behalf of the African American community. Du Bois, a Harvard-trained sociologist, offered a stark alternative to the anti-intellectual dogma contained in reform messages by black church leadership. Believing that African Americans needed a firm historical and sociological grasp of a distinct phenomenon that church leaders could not offer, Du Bois published in numerous Black, progressive, liberal, college, and religious periodicals, including The Atlantic Monthly, The Independent Weekly, Outlook, Voice of the Negro, The New York Post, and The Crisis. Now for the first time, Du Bois' reform writings—spanning over fifty years—have been gathered into one volume. Each section is edited and introduced by Brian Johnson and they demonstrate Du Bois' contribution to advancing the social and moral dimensions of the African American community.