"Dream Searchers" is a novel based on real facts about a secret research group called The Dream Hackers. This group was forced underground, when governmental agents became interested in their amazing discoveries in the fields of dreams, teleportation and controlling reality. While investigating the cartography of dreams, the Hackers found practical confirmation of the deep Knowledge, as popularized by the ethnologist and author Carlos Castaneda in his book "The Teachings of Don Juan". Striving to decipher the hidden codes of the Universe, the Hackers have returned to primal sources, to the ancient esoteric mysteries, and now they explain how to investigate the World through a magic dream portal. In this first volume of two, the reader meets Maxim. Just an ordinary guy, Maxim witnesses the strange pursuit of a mysterious man named Boris. Boris evades his pursuers by vanishing. A year later, Maxim meets Boris by chance on the street. This meeting changes Maxim's whole life. Boris introduces Maxim to the Dream Hackers. And so his thrilling and dangerous adventure begins - Andrey Reutov is a writer, magician and esoteric, who is no longer a member of The Dream Hackers.