With Drawing: Flowers, learn to create detailed, realistic flowers in graphite pencil from basic shapes. It’s no wonder we’re naturally attracted to flowers. Their fascinating and varied forms, colors, and textures provide a never-ending source of
artistic inspiration. This book shows the step-by-step process of rendering
various types of flowers—from their basic shapes to their completed forms. It begins with tools and materials needed to
get started, as well as the shading techniques that
bring flower drawings to life. Among the flowers you'll learn to draw:
- Tulips
- Regal Lily
- Daffodil
- Carnation
- Poppy
- Pansy
- Hibiscus
- Fuchsia
- Peony
- Foxglove
- Chrysanthemums
- Bearded Iris
- And more!
In this
large-format, 40-page reference guide, William F. Powell teaches you how to render a variety of beautiful flowers
in graphite pencil, with tips on choosing materials, building with basic shapes, and shading to develop form and realism. With a wealth of detailed
step-by-step projects to both re-create and admire,
Drawing: Flowers shows artists how to develop a
flower drawing to its fullest.
How to Draw & Paint series offers an easy-to-follow guide that introduces artists to basic tools and materials and includes simple step-by-step lessons for a variety of projects
suitable for the aspiring artist. Drawing: Flowers allows artists to develop their
drawing skills, demonstrating how to start with basic shapes and use pencil and shading techniques to create varied textures, values, and details for a realistic, completed drawing.