For cities investing in public transit infrastructure, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) continues to grow as a popular mode of choice. BRT implementation, planning, operation, performance and impacts, from a wide range of developed and developing cities across the globe are examined in depth in this exemplary book, with contributions by academics and practical experts on BRT.
Each chapter is self-contained, presenting empirical research and grounded examples of BRT in specific urban spaces. Providing rich insight, the chapters also suggest lessons for cities elsewhere. As a whole, the book frames the chapters with the question of how BRT is valued, providing a timely lens to the broader conceptual question of how transport infrastructure can and ought to be valued in the twenty-first century.
Urban and transport studies scholars will find this an invaluable read, as it compares BRT to similar forms of public transport in cities, exploring the pros and cons of the system. The rich set of empirical examples and research suggestions in this book will aid advanced students in determining dissertation and research topics.
Contributors include: B. Adhvaryu, C. Balbontin, G. Beaudet, D. Bray, C. Cadena-Gaitán, W. Camargo, T.-T. Deng, R. Ellison, F. Ferbrache, D.A. Hensher, O. Hjelm, C.Q. Ho, M.-J. Jun, P. Lewis, R. Macário, S. Mejía-Dugand, C. Mulley, J.D. Nelson, D. Scrafton, S. Sinha, A. Stewart, H.M.S. Swamy, C.E. Vergel-Tovar, I. Wallis, G. Weisbrod, G. Whelan, P. White, D. Wignall, A. Wood