The nature of the loading must first be understood before applying the structural engineering principles set out in the Eurocodes. For this reason this book is meant as a guide to four separate documents, EN1991 Part 1.2, EN1992 Part 1.2, EN1993 Part 1.2 and EN1994 Part 1.2 with reference where appropriate to the Eurocode covering the basis of design, EC06.
The fire design procedures for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures are contained in the relevant parts of the code, BS81104,5. However, the structural Eurocodes consider steel, composite and concrete construction in isolation and each material therefore has its own corresponding fire part. In this case, a clause-by-clause examination of the fire parts of the material codes would not be sufficient to allow designers to use these documents.
The guide takes the form of an introduction to the procedures required to achieve design solutions for a typical range of structural elements and assemblies. Worked examples are included along with appropriate text to illustrate the use of the Eurocodes for specific design scenarios.
As a way of setting the scene for those unfamiliar with the basic principles of structural fire engineering design the next section provides an overview of the regulatory framework and a description of the commonly used methods for ensuring compliance with the regulations.