Intensive, individualized interventions are certainly the hallmark promise of special education. In a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), tier 3 interventions are the most intensive and require individualized delivery to address the learning and behavioral needs of students who are most often identified for special education services. MTSS, such as Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), are comprised of universal assessment, progress monitoring, and databased decision-making as intervention is implemented with increasing intensity and individualization based on the needs of the learner.
The chapters in this volume cover a broad range of topics that address issues surrounding the identification of students who need the most intensive intervention, intensive intervention features and delivery considerations, behavioral interventions, academic interventions, and preservice teacher preparation. The authors of the chapters are recognized as international experts on these topics and provide specific recommendations that are based on research evidence as well as discuss considerations for future enhancement of multi-tiered systems of supports and intensive interventions. This is a contemporary resource for teachers, administrators, and teacher-educators who are charged with delivering special education and/or supporting those who do.