As spas become hugely popular, trendy and busy environments designed to ease the stress of the weary, the spa therapist is often at the sharp end of a predominantly service oriented industry. The therapist's role is an intimate one and they can often become prone to imbalances in the body, mind and spirit as a consequence of the demands and pressure of the work. The physical proximity to clients, which is the nature of hands on body work, can bring up intense imbalances for the therapist that they are often not aware of. Training is usually inadequate and does not address the finer points of the therapists role on a psycho-physiological level as well as what is appropriate protocol.This book covers the 5 important key areas of their work giving valuable guidance, exercises, advice and information on how to take care of the body, prepare the mind, protect and utilize the spirit, channel the breath and provides a resource of legal and corporate matters to support the spa therapist at all times. Relevant in any culture and detailed to address the different type of spas, this book is the must have aid to support hands on therapy.