All Peter Prego wanted to do was have a little night cap before bed, but this is postponed once a bloodied pit bull shows up at his door. Cruising around the city of Red Circle (a fictitious coastal metropolis resembling L. A., Atlanta, New York, and Miami), Pete tries to find the dog''s owner and ends up in quite a jackpot. With help from his pals, an expert thiefJohnny Collins and Carter Fordan ex-cop newly sprung from prison, he secures the dog in his home, after cleaning out the place of its valuables. Once they''ve gone, a woman dressed in black appears at that same residence to claim the pup... Who does this dog really belong to? Why was Carter in prison for ten years? And... who are the Seven Deadly Daughters? Answers to these questions and more can only be discovered by diving into volume one of Rich Tommaso''s exciting ongoing crime series.