
British military labour during the First World War developed from an ad hoc arrangement in 1914 into a corps some 400,000 strong, supported by as many as a million dominion and foreign workers by 1918. Records of this contribution to victory are extremely rare. George Weeks wrote down his experience on squares of wallpaper – always a practical man. And what a record it is. The Somme, Passchendaele and the Messines Ridge all feature in George’s calm description of his extraordinary experiences. He camped in ‘the vast graveyard of Cambrai’, he cut down an entire forest for duckboards, and he mended the aircraft of Captain Ball VC with dope and linen! With the corps working on the front lines and often under fire, this truly was dangerous work.

Dangerous Work: The Memoir of Private George Weeks of the Labour Corps 1917-1919

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Paperback / softback by Alan Weeks

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Short Description:

British military labour during the First World War developed from an ad hoc arrangement in 1914 into a corps some... Read more

    Publisher: The History Press Ltd
    Publication Date: 06/10/2014
    ISBN13: 9780750956673, 978-0750956673
    ISBN10: 0750956674

    Non Fiction , History , Military History


    British military labour during the First World War developed from an ad hoc arrangement in 1914 into a corps some 400,000 strong, supported by as many as a million dominion and foreign workers by 1918. Records of this contribution to victory are extremely rare. George Weeks wrote down his experience on squares of wallpaper – always a practical man. And what a record it is. The Somme, Passchendaele and the Messines Ridge all feature in George’s calm description of his extraordinary experiences. He camped in ‘the vast graveyard of Cambrai’, he cut down an entire forest for duckboards, and he mended the aircraft of Captain Ball VC with dope and linen! With the corps working on the front lines and often under fire, this truly was dangerous work.

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