Haunted by her past lives, both as a human and as the cybernetic enforcer known as Cyn, Meris is desperate to live a peaceful existence. Drawing from sci-fi and Western influences, Cyn is a thrilling meditation on redemption, self-sacrifice, and found family from the mind of acclaimed comics creator Ibrahim Moustafa (RetroActive, Mother Panic: Gotham A.D.)
A cloaked figure stumbles from a cargo ship, a wreckage of would-be attackers in her wake. What should have killed her only proves what she already knows - Her body will not let her die.
Fleeing her bloody past as the masked government enforcer known as Cyn, Meris is discovered unconscious by a former Union medic and his two adopted daughters. As they nurse her back to health and she struggles to adapt to a world far from the brutal life she was forced to lead as Cyn, two things become clear: her past isn''t ready to let her go, and she isn''t the only one whose dark, secret history is thre