Dr Joel Berman uses his broad medical experience as a surgeon to focus on alternative, preventive approaches to conquering cancer. Acknowledging that alternative cancer-prevention was an unfamiliar subject prior to his extensive research in this area, he was surprised to learn that no less than 80-85 percent of all cancers result from conditions over which most people have a significant degree of control, with heritage and genes accounting only for the remaining 15-20 percent. He, also, came to understand that 90 percent of all cancers can be attributed to environmental factors. Always using a scientific approach, Dr. Berman believes that the way to combat and conquer cancer is by combining the best of both alternative and conventional treatments to achieve an optimum outcome. Part 1 begins with the history of the disease, then answers the question, What is Cancer? by briefly defining its biology. Also discussed are the causes of cancer, what is meant by cancer prevention and an overview of diagnostic methods, medical treatments and complementary/alternative treatments. Also included are support groups, cancer centres, clinical trials and research organisations. In Part 2, he lists more than thirty types of cancer by their location in the body and adds children's cancers as a special, separate category. For each cancer, which he classifies in one of five umbrella groups, he includes advice on prevention and complementary methods, including diet and natural substances, along with standard medical and surgical management. Part 3 discusses cancer-related emergencies and the final Part 4 is a mixed bag of all the possible conditions that can occur around the cancer. The back of the book includes a Glossary, References, Book and Website Resources, and an Index. For all cancer-related matters, you can't do better than choosing this voluminous publication.