This two-volume set LNCS 14398 and LNCS 14399 constitutes the refereed proceedings of eleven International Workshops which were held in conjunction with the 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2023, in The Hague, The Netherlands, during September 25-29, 2023. The 22 regular papers included in these proceedings stem from the following workshops:9th International Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems and of Cyber-Physical Systems, CyberICPS 2023, which accepted 8 papers from 18 submissions;18th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, DPM 2023, which accepted 11 papers from 18 submissions;7th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, CBT 2023, which accepted 6 papers from 20 submissions;7th International Workshop on Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering, SECPRE 2023, which accepted 4 papers from 7 submissions. 4th International Workshop onCyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures P