Exam board: ISEB
Level: 13+ CE and KS3
Subject: English
First teaching: September 2021
First exams: November 2022
Support your pupils in developing enhanced comprehension and writing skills across a wide range of challenging, diverse and engaging themes and genres with Common Entrance English 13+ for ISEB CE and KS3. This new resource will help your pupils achieve their full potential in the ISEB 13+ CE exams and other Independent School exams at 13+.
· Expand your pupils' reading preferences: 10 thematically-arranged chapters with topics including Growing Up, Our Planet, Loud and Proud, and Different People, Different Perspectives.
· Encourage independent research and learning: Research panels throughout pose questions that encourage pupils to deepen their understanding of a topic or issue independently. Plus, Wider Reading boxes offer suggestions for additional independent reading.
· Develop your pupils' appreciation of drama: Greater emphasis on drama skills including role play, character development, thought tracking, directing a short extract, using stage directions, and drafting a short script extract.
· Prepare for Paper 2 with end-of-chapter writing tasks: Help your pupils to structure and develop their writing in a variety of genres with directed writing tasks at the end of every chapter.
· Improve exam results: New Exam Skills chapter covers Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Planning and Writing your Responses, and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - with sample answers and tips for improving.
Accompanying answers available as a paid-for PDF download at (ISBN: 9781398321687).
"I have received the new KS3 CE book and I have to say, kudos to Elly Lacey and the team; it's tremendous. The first chapter focusing on queer authors is an audacious and welcome move. Fantastic work and thank you for being representational and inclusive!" Head of Years 3 and 4 & Head of English, Wetherby Preparatory School