Multidisciplinary coverage of circular dichroism's principles, applications, and latest advances
The four years since the publication of the first edition of Circular Dichroism: Principles and Applications have seen a rapid expansion of the field, including new applications, improved understanding of principles, and a growing interest in circular dichroism (CD) among researchers from a wide variety of disciplines. The Second Edition keeps pace with this phenomenal growth with up-to-date contributions from dozens of the world's leading researchers and practitioners in chirality, chemistry, biochemistry, and analytical chemistry, as well as vibrational and luminescence spectroscopy.
With nine entirely new chapters and substantial updates of existing material, Circular Dichroism, Second Edition provides important insight into the immense potential of CD and bridges the gap between theory and practice. The book begins with coverage of historical developments and moves quickly to fascinating reports on recent advances and emerging new fields in CD. New and updated coverage includes:
* VOA theory
* Solid-state CD applications
* Fast time-resolved CD measurements
* A model illustrating how polymers amplify chirality
* Induced CD of polymers
* CD of nucleic acids: nonclassical conformations and modified oligonucleotides
* DNA-drug and DNA-protein interactions
* Applications of CD to important pharmaceutical compounds
Featuring an increased emphasis on biological molecules and extensive applications to organic stereochemistry and biopolymers, Circular Dichroism: Principles and Applications, Second Edition will prove a valuable and frequently consulted reference for organic chemists, biochemists, and medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists.