Hi it's me, Alessandra, you can call me Sanny though, wait, don't think that's because we're close or anything, I just don't want to hear you butcher the rolling R in my name thats all.
Anyhow I guess you''re wondering why you''re here, how did we even meet? You know I'm just a high school senior right? I know, impressive, but stay with me, I'm trying to uncover the truth about these strange occurrences, these strange coincidences happening in my home town of East Valley.
Actually, let''s take a step back for a moment, and level set a few things. First of all, you ever wonder why it feels like the elite class never ages, why no matter how hard you work, no matter how lucky you get, seemingly you can''t reach the levels of what you see in the media? I would think that alone would spawn questions about things, about how, and who and why, and when. But evidently, when you ask those questions, you are faced with resistance, with lies, with attacks lucky