Choice modelling has been one of the most active fields in economics over recent years. This valuable new book contains leading contributions from academics and practitioners from across the different areas of study where choice modelling is a key analytical technique, drawn from a recent international conference.
Choice models explain the behavior of individuals by quantifying their values, responses and perceptions of attributes describing the various options (alternatives) available to them. Policy makers and planners have long since recognised the potential of using choice models for guidance purposes, with applications in fields as diverse as transport analysis, healthcare, telecommunications, public service evaluation and energy.
The unique mix of theoretical and applied chapters will appeal to academics, students, researchers and practitioners in various fields, as well as anyone with a general interest in the subject.
Contributors: T. Arentze, R. Batley, C. Bhat, M. Bierlaire, D.S. Bunch, E. Cherchi, C.G. Chorus, C.F. Choudhury, A. Daly, J. de Dios Ortúzar, B.G.C. Dellaert, M. Dix, C. Eckert, A. Enam, T. Flynn, M. Greene, S. Hess, J.N. Ibáñez, P. Iglesias, L. La Paix, J.J. Louviere, P. Metcalfe, P.L. Mokhtarian, A. Monzón, H. Oppewal, A. Pinjari, J.M. Rose, R. Sheldon, W. Tang, P. Vovsha, G. Wets