A diverse range of essays, new discoveries and book reviews on the latest research of interest to ceramics scholars
Now in its thirteenth year of publication, Ceramics in America is considered the journal of record for historical ceramics scholarship in the American context and is intended for collectors, historical archaeologists, curators, decorative arts students, social historians, and contemporary potters.
“This year’s Ceramics in America is on the cutting edge of Southern material-culture scholarship and ceramics studies. It weaves the sherds of pots past with surviving vessels and documentary evidence to enrich our understanding of the field.”—Daniel K. Ackermann, Associate Curator, Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts at Old Salem Museums & Gardens
“Ceramics in America opens a window into most aspects of American life: public and private, imported and native, industrial and aesthetic, social and economic—and on all cultures betwixt and between.”—Philip Zea, President, Historic Deerfield, Inc.