This document is a comprehensive design code for concrete. It is the result of a comprehensive revision to the original model code of 1978, which was produced jointly by the Comité Euro-International du Béton (CEB) and the Fédération International de la Précontrainte (FIP).
The original CEB-FIP Model Code of 1978 has had a considerable impact on the national design codes in many countries. In particular, it has been used extensively for the harmonisation of national design codes. Eurocode 2, on the design of concrete structures, used Model Code 1978 as its basic reference document
Model Code 1990 has more detailed guidelines and explanations than national codes and can be used as a basis for them. It has already influenced the codification work that is being carried out both nationally and internationally and will continue to do so.
With the publication of Eurocode 2: Part 1 as a draft pre-standard, this document is an invaluable reference during the consultative period before Eurocode 2 becomes a European standard. It is also indispensable for anyone involved in codification work on concrete.