Prepare for the new CCNP 642-821 BCRAN Exam with the official exam preparation guide
- Learn the remote access design and management topics for the new Cisco CCNP 642-821 BCRAN exam with the only official preparation book
- Practice with more than 200 test questions, including simulation-based questions on the enclosed CD-ROM
CCNP BCRAN Exam Certification Guide
Comprehensive coverage of all exam topics ensures readers will arrive at a complete understanding of what they need to master to succeed on the exam. This book follows a logical organization of the BCRAN exam objectives, and is written in a modular, small-chapter format that breaks elements into easy-to-absorb parts. It also contains the other valuable learning elements of an Exam Certification Guide from Cisco Press that ensure concept comprehension and retention. These include pre- and post-chapter quizzes, foundational review sections, scenario-based exercises and a CD-ROM testing