Avatar: The Last Airbender meets
Fight Club in this action-packed fantasy about a secret, underground magic fighting tournament.
If the magic doesn''t kill her, the truth just might.Aza Wu knows that real magic is dangerous and illegal. After all, casting killed her sister, Shire. As with all magic, everything comes at a price. For Aza, it feels like everything in her life has some kind of cost attached to it. Her sister had been casting for money to pay off Saint Willow, the gang leader that oversees her sector of Lotusland. If you want to operate a business there, you have to pay your tribute. And now with Shire dead, Aza must step in to save the legacy of Wu Teas, the teahouse that has been in her family for centuries.When Aza comes across a secret invitation, she decides she doesn''t have much else to lose. She quickly realizes that she''s entered herself into an underground casting tournament, and the stakes couldn''t be higher. Real magic, real con